Register as Affiliate

First Name

Last Name


Your username.

Account Email

Your primary email, used for logging in.


Your primary password, used for logging in.

How will you promote us?

Let us know a bit about yourself and how you plan on promoting our products.

Select Your Payment Method

Which payment method you want to use for receiving payment?

PayPal Payment Email

Your PayPal payment email, to which we will send commission payments.

Payoneer Payment Email

Add your Payoneer payment email if you do not have any PayPal account, to which we will send commission payments.

Bank Details for Direct Bank Transfer

Add bank account only when you do not have any PayPal or Payoneer account. Provide your bank account details to get paid. Add Bank Name, Account Name, Account Number, Bank Address, Routing Number, and SWIFT code.

Your account will be automatically Approved, and you can start earning Referrals immediately.
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